Day Three

After two days on Earth, the three quadrillionaires returned to their station on Mars. They spent the rest of their days having non-procreational sex with each other then dying one by one. The last had no one to bury him so the cats ate his corpse. Did I mention they had cats in the Mars station? Surprising. <The End>


  1. Doug

    Wow. Didn’t see that cat thing coming!

  2. Mary

    This ending is upsetting. You should rewrite it.

    • Doug

      Full disclosure: I (Doug) submitted this comment to test the comment approval setup. Mary may or may not have liked the ending.

  3. Joel

    I kind of liked the cat ending

  4. Mary

    I said no such thing – doug, or maybe Gradoe, was impersonating me! He had better keep his mitts off my book!

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